Saturday, February 25, 2012

UI redressing attack !!

Clickjacking (User Interface redress attack, UI redress attack, UI redressing) is a malicious technique of tricking a Web user into clicking on something different to what the user perceives they are clicking on, thus potentially revealing confidential information or taking control of their computer while clicking on seemingly innocuous webpages.

Simply put, don’t believe on whatever you click now-a-days in any unknown or malicious sites. I(along with Aditya Gupta and Subho Halder) have found some interesting clickjacking attacks in Google itself. Well they have now corrected the User Interface and also added the necessary header to avoid clickjacking.Cheers to our efforts :P

Well the question is WHAT IS CLICKJACKING?

A clickjacked page tricks a user into performing undesired actions by clicking on a concealed link. On a clickjacked page, the attackers load another page over it in a transparent layer. The users think that they are clicking visible buttons, while they are actually performing actions on the hidden page. The hidden page may be an authentic page, therefore the attackers can trick users into performing actions which the users never intended. There is no way of tracing such actions to the attackers later, as the users would have been genuinely authenticated on the hidden page.

So how to AVOID it?

The first possible solution which comes to our mind is how to disable other sites from “iframing” your content, now there are different possible solutions for that

Solution 1:

Using a javascript framebusting code, which checks if the page is loaded inside a frame or not, if it is loaded, it quietly redirects to the parent page, an example code :

if (top != self) { top.location.replace(self.location.href); }

Excellent! Now you “bust” or break out of any containing iframe automatically. Except for one small problem.

As it turns out, your frame-busting code can be busted :

This code does the following:

increments a counter every time the browser attempts to navigate away from the current page, via the window.onbeforeonload event handler
sets up a timer that fires every millisecond via setInterval(), and if it sees the counter incremented, changes the current location to a server of the attacker’s control
that server serves up a page with HTTP status code 204, which does not cause the browser to navigate anywhere
Well lets look at other options

Solution 2:

One of the more viable solution is the X-FRAME-OPTIONS header that allow a site to control whether its content can be within a frame. There are two settings to this header, DENY blocks the content from being in a frame and SAMEORIGIN only allows the content to be framed by pages within the same origin. While it is not the end all and be all of clickjacking solution and won’t work in some sites that extensively use frames across multiple sites, it is considered as a more reasonable approach for sites to protect their own content.

What is it good for?

Originally is was intended as a way to prevent clickjacking.

To understand clickjacking, let’s first look at Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF). CSRF is abusing the ability of browsers to interact with multiple servers at the same time. So you’re logged in into your bank and the attacker tricks you in clicking on a link that send him some money.
good websites protect themselves from this by e.g. using request tokens to make sure the request being received is intentional.
Many websites are vulnerable to various forms of CSRF, some even argue the majority of websites that interact with users are vulnerable somewhere.

Clickjacking is a way to trick visitors into interacting with a victim website without the user knowing he’s doing it by e.g. overlaying other things such as images over the elements.

Framebusting is a common technique to prevent clickjacking, sadly framebusting can be defeated.

x-frame-options was introduced in a beta release of IE8 as an alternative.

So what is x-frame-options?

It’s a HTTP response header.


It can be used to prevent framing of the pages that are delivered to browsers in the browser: the browser simply refuses to render the page in a frame if the header is present dependign on the set value.

Values are

DENY: Stops all framing
SAMEORIGIN: Stops framing except for the same website that delivered the page itself. (Allowing to frame pages served from with x-frame-options set to this value)

What does it not do?

It doesn’t protect your web site from being a victim from clickjacking as by far not all browsers support it. E.g. Microsoft neglected to backport it to still widely popular IE6 and IE7 browsers.

So you still need all the other measures too.

Note that it’s something that doesn’t need javascript, has little odds of being defeated by smart attackers as long as the browser supports it, so it’s not without merit.

Alternative to framebusting ?

Since the x-frame-options is in the security world an additional measure somewhat similar to where framebustng could be used, isn’t it also an alternative to framebusting in other web master areas ?

Sure it is: just remember that instead of taking over the entire tab, the browser will not render it at all. And your regular framebusting javascript has no chance as it’ll not get loaded if the browser support this.

Browsers that support it

Firefox with the NoScript addon

It’s not backported to IE6 and IE7

How to send out the header using IIS?

Open the Internet Service Manager
HTTP headers tab
in the Custom headers section: Add…

Custom header Name: x-frame-options Custom header Value: "DENY" or "SAMEORIGIN" (without the quotes).
Can anybody confirm/correct this (I don’t run IIS) ?

How to send out the header using apache

Add this to your httpd.conf:

header always append x-frame-options SAMEORIGIN

So we get a fair idea about what does it mean when someone shouts out, “I Clickjacked You ”


Finally after a long awaited time, I made it to Google Security Hall of Fame under honorable mention.
On 1 November 2010, Google launched a Vulnerability Reward Program for Google web properties.

Any Google web properties which display or manage highly sensitive authenticated user data or accounts may be in scope. Some examples could include:


Few weeks back, we (Subho Halder, Aditya Gupta and Dev Kar ) reported 6 Clickjacking bugs in many google products, and made a nice POC of all of them.
The X-FRAME-OPTIONS was missing from some of the important Google Products like Translate, Scholar and many more.

Using the bug, a user’s status could be updated automatically, without the user coming to know about it.Google guys responded promptly, and put us in their Hall of Fame – Honorable Mention for the report.Google Security Hall of Fame

Google Clickjacking POC

Thanks Google

Signed off:-Dev Kar


Few days back, I was credited in the Apple Security Researchers page, where they credit all the Security Researchers who identified severe security vulnerabilities in their website or servers.

This made me really happy, cause it was an really easy XSS bug, on

Also, this bug remained unpatched for as far as 4 months. One of my friends, Cim Stordal, reported the same bug few months back, and is listed with me on the list with my two other friends Aditya Gupta and Sunny Rockzzs.

Here is the link if you need to see the whole list.
Apple Security Researchers

Also today is the birthday of worlds greatest visionary late Mr.Steve Jobs,
Happy Birthday Steve Jobs you changed the world and the way we see it :) RIP

Signed off:-Dev Kar

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Google Dilemma

Its been a month now that i took my new year resolution of blogging more often, And its apperant from my actions that how those new year resolutions wind year is pretty diffrent though,a lot has happened and a lot of things are happining to me.Some good ,some bad and some "ironic".
Lets talk about the good parts and leave the bad parts for me to mug upon. :P
The good thing is that i made it into google hall of fame for reporting 6 clickjacking vulnerebilities in their web products,with 2 other guys sunny rockzzs and aditya gupta.Unfortunately they didn't pay us anything :( coz the vulnb depended too much upon the attack vector.But getting into hall of fame page was a gud moment for me.
I was also able to make it into apple's security researchers list.This was pretty controversial as the vulnerebelity we submitted was already been submitted by a 16 yr old German kid cim stordal.So we all were credited for finding the vulnb which for Cim was little annoying.Getting into apple hall of fame was the second best thing this year :)Also found many more bugs in many other web applications.

But one intereting thing happened almost unknowingly,we found a bug in Gmail,at the first sight it looked like a simple xss(non persitant),so we submited our bug report to google security team.They responded very promptly,after the initial analysis of the bug it turned out that there wasn't any problem with the gmail.But the bug was actually a browser bug,so the googgle guy filled a private bug in the chromium project.We went very happy and all for finding a browser bug that too in chrome :P.But after the analysis of the bug by chromium security team it turned out that there wasn't a problem with the chrome browser the bug actually existed in the "webkit engine".That means all the browsers powered by webkit engine would be vulnb. to this attack.We tried it on safari and it worked.
Yeppiii!!we got a webkit bug!
So now what we have is a XSS which turned to be a browser bug which later turned out to be a webkit bug,what are the odds for that. lol.We are happy for what we have found out unknowingly :P.But the sad part is neither we would be credited by Google security team and nor by Chromium security team ,forget the money they won't even mention our names.:( The webkit open source project as per my knowledge doesn't offer any credits or monetary reward for bugs.They will fix the bug and will mail us the link for downloading the latest nightly build and we have to check if the fix is working properly or not.We still don't know whether we will be credited or not,But we should be credited as the Bug we found out did help in making the browser more secure.
I will be discussing more about the bug that we found out,once its patched.(Ethics :P)

signed off-
Dev Kar

Monday, January 2, 2012

How 'main(int argc, char ** argv)' is implemented?

The declaration of main looks like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
This indicates that main is a function returning an integer. In hosted environments such as DOS or UNIX, this value or exit status is passed back to the command line interpreter.Typically, this facility is used to direct the way the program goes about its task. It's particularly common to provide file names to a program through its arguments.
There are two arguments to main: argc and argv. The first of these is a count of the arguments supplied to the program and the second is an array of pointers to the strings which are those arguments—which are passed to the main function in the form of pointer to an array. These arguments are passed to the program by the host system's command line interpreter.

Here's an example to explain the concept:-
using namespace std;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
cout << "The name used to start the program: " << argv[ 0 ]<< "\nArguments are:\n"; 

 for (int n = 1; n < argc; n++) 
cout << setw( 2 ) << n << ": " << argv[ n ] << '\n'; 
 return 0; 

Compile it, then from the command-prompt try running it different ways:- 
 If the program name is "a" and it has arguments hello,world when it is run, the state of the arguments and the value of argv can be illustrated like this: 

 D:\prog\test> a Hello world!
The name used to start the program: a
Arguments are:
1: Hello
2: world!

Each time that argv is incremented, it is stepped one item further along the array of arguments. Thus after the first iteration of the loop, argv will point to the pointer which in turn points to the world! argument.

This is another way of giving arguments:-

D:\prog\test> cd ..

D:\prog> test\a.exe "Peter Piper" picked a peck of "pickled peppers"
The name used to start the program: test\a.exe
Arguments are:
1: Peter Piper
2: picked
3: a
4: peck
5: of
6: pickled peppers

I guess this one is self explanatory..:)